Chapter 1 - Dearly loved children
Learning to transform every relationship into a channel of blessing begins with first learning to fully embrace the love God has for us.

Chapter 2 – Walking like the Word
Jesus Christ’s life and love provide the pattern we are to follow. Jesus, the Word, not only illustrated the Father’s love but is himself its very embodiment.

Chapter 3 – Not even a hint
“What would Jesus do?” Striving for holiness means we are seeking to set ourselves apart unto a life that honors God. 

Chapter 4 – Offending God
Obedience to the commands of God is more than just adherence to a written code. God’s commands are an expression of his nature.

Chapter 5 – Growing in grace
Becoming an imitator of God is a process, not an event. 

Chapter 6 – Stand by your man
Being an imitator of God means we do not wait on the other person to change before we do what we are called to do. We do our part and trust God will do his.

Pastor Mark Quick
Imitators of God - Chapter Summaries
Chapter 7 – Treat her like a lady
Husband, what actions are you taking to help your wife become the woman God called her to be? 

Chapter 8 – Marriage: A marvelous mystery
Married couples need to know or be reminded that the institution of marriage was God’s idea. 

Chapter 9 – The commandment with a promise
Parents must train their children to rule their spirit and submit to authority – it is our parental duty.

Chapter 10 – Bring them up
This chapter provides practical advice on how to produce righteousness and peace in our kids.

Chapter 11 – Working for Jesus
We must see our daily work as ministry. 

Chapter 12 – Masters mind your master
Leading others begins with a seeing ourselves as facilitators of others’ success. 

Chapter 13 – Imitating God in the church
People will not believe if they see us backbiting. 

Chapter 14 – Bringing it all together
Only those who share God’s virtue will remain in his eternal presence.